Complete the sentences.

Complete the sentences.

  1. I have to take three… of this medicine every morning. 2.This room has 3 corners. It is… 3.The lake … the stars and the moon.4. The plant needs fresh…, water and sun. 5. It is not… I don’t understand. 6.Close the… of the windows. 7. Everyone came to the party,… Ann. 8. When I saw an …, it was clear what I have to do. 9. Look, there is a … in your trousers! 10. The… in your head work better than a computer.

What should we write instead of those dots?

Ka cia reiskia?

Kokia užduotis to pratimo? Gal kokie žodžiai yra duoti?

the first word are <tablets>.

.Nei wieno zodzio. Irasyk ka nori…

kiekviena diena prisiloginu ir keikviena diena matau vis naujus ginttes namu darbus, idomu, kada visus tesiogiai uzpis juos daryt? Nekaltas

Tai ka man daryt, kad nieko nesuprantu? Žliumbia

tai reiskias nesimokai, o dabar matai, kad vertetu

Ka reikia ismokstu, tik pratybose buna ne i tema pratimai Nežinau.

Ką reikia ten įrašyti? Kitaip sakant - ką sako užduotis?

Uzduotis is sako: ‘complete the sentences’

niu tai ir įrašyk tinkamus žodžius Šypsena

1 tablets, 4 air, 6 blind, 7 miss, 9 hole, 10 brain. Gal tiks nors vienas

  1. tablespoons/teaspoons 2. triangular 3. reflects 4. air 5. clear 6. rest 7. except for 8. ? 9. hole, snake… whatever 10. brain

Aciukas Mirkt

pamokose reikia sedet,o nebegiot is shulios,taj ir mokesi… o ne cia pagalbos parysieisi kad kiti uz tawe darytu…