What to do with the classmates during the brake between lessons

What to do with the classmates during the brake between lessons

Ka wejkti idomaus su uzsieniechaisj per pertraukas…nemokant geray kalbos…tixlaiu kaj kalba lb lewa mano anglu ir ejnu i shulia nelietuvoj…ka vejkti?

parukyt arba isgert eik

koks ugdantis charakteri pasiulymas NekaltasI dunno try to communicate with 'em and in no time at all your english will start to improve or do as Yko said, when a brake is at hand a cigarette is your friend

MAN LIETuvishkaj prashau NežinauNes jau po shulios gryzusi nenoriu ne girdyti nej matyti anglu kalbos… Žliumbia

Rukyt parukau:]Gert viena kart buwau…bet gi nerukysi ishtisaj…cizos brangios… Cha cha

O rukant vistiek kalbet reikes Liežuvis

In that case you had to start this topic in some lithuanian club Nekaltas Šypsena

Kokioj valstybej tu ? Nekaltas

Good show, old mate, I agree with ya on that one

But it would be not the first topic, in which we would talk in lithuanian Nekaltas

correct, but it’s meaningless to post a topic in EFC and ask us to talk in lithuanian since she doesn’t understand english, I think this is best suited for “mokslas” or “apie viska” forums

Yes, I agree with that, but you have to admit that it’s not the first and not the last lithuanian topic, started here. Mirkt Good thing is, that we’re not always continue lithuanians discussions here Mirkt

yeah, it is refreshing to see a English topic in EFC time to time Nekaltas

U.K ash esu…nu taj ir kalbu ash su jajs kaj rukome…ir kaj valgyti ejnam kalbu…bet kakza vejkti rejkia…ka ten kalbeti kaj ash ten kalbu taj kazkajp lewaj…

ka darysi, visi nuo kazko pradedam

dazniausiaj vartojamas mano zois yra what what what;D

Yo, su anglu kai kalbejau as ir ta pati istisai kartojau, nu toks ju akcentas. o vat su amerikieciu bendravau, tai no problemo Šypsena

paprasyk kad pamokytu tave anglu kalbos Taip Mirkt bus ka veikt tikrai Cha cha

Parukyt yr geriau Kietas Liežuvisjuokauju Nekaltas