September birthdays in EFC

September birthdays in EFC GėlėTaurė

First babies in autumm Tūsas: 01 - wella & QLverstukas (ex: Pixelis) Tūsas02 - AikonaGėlė05 - ineraDovana & florijonaGėlė, who was Vip member some time ago, but now she doesn’t come here often Nustebęs 07 - markizeTaurė08 - tonieTūsas15 - Lano23Alus18 - RykliukeZuvyte (ex: Rykliuke18klp) Dovana & fataleLūpos19 - stingy89 (ex: Anncia), thank you for letting us know about your new nick Gėlė, & ruMicDovana20 - NickuteTaurė & ZhaltvyksleTūsas21 - EndOfEverything (ex: BloodyBlades)Bučkis, also thanks for news about your nick changing Angelas 23 - smakasAlus24 - EmilijanaTūsas25 - bizerasLūpos25 - eleliukeDovana27 - slaptasnickas (gerai, kad nors gimtadienio datos neislaptino Žvaigždė Cha cha) Gėlė28 - CamomileTaurė 29 - some why K-X is not the member of this club anymore, but she’s always welcome here Drovus Gėlė29 - NikkieTūsas & LaurixeDovana30 - pukelisAlus, XamloLūpos, Watever (ex: Emineme) Gėlė & F!erY-TaraKaNeLūposIn the year ahead we wish Good things your days will bring Health, happiness and good times And the best of everything ŽvaigždėHappy birthdays, fellows Gėlė Dovana Tūsas Apkabinimas Labas

Happy birthday to everyone Dovana

Happy birthday, all of You Gėlė Tūsas

I feel bad, that we missed August… (That I missed August)… but happy birthday to all in September Tūsas Taurė Dovana Apkabinimas

Happy Birthday to everyone Dovana

birthday greetings to everyone Labas Gėlė Dovana Taurė

HAPPY tortadienio, girtadienio, linksmadienio ir t.t. Gėlė Dovana Gėlė


My birthday is also in 30’th September Laimingas ŽvaigždėBut why I’m not note down ??? Žliumbia ??? Žliumbia ???

happy birthday Dovana Gėlė Šypsena

Sorry, perhaps you didn’t ‘register’ in our topic about birthdays Nekaltas You are in the list Tūsas Mirkt

Thank you very much… Apkabinimas I’m so happy,at the moment… Drovus Angelas

Happy new… erm… birthday! Gėlė Dovana Apkabinimas

Happy birthday people… Bučkis Bučkis Bučkis

tadaa! hey, it thought i was out of the lists looong time ago. i thought my hunt was way too long to still have my totem pole around. seems like it is not so Šypsena cool. thanks for the birthday list message - and happy birthday to you all!

mhm. kaip ir ner ko sveikint… florijona, dar karta Alus Cha cha

happy birthday,you lucky people! Taurė