Jun 27-30 birthdays: Amekuras, RAGAZ & waska01

Jun 27-30 birthdays: Amekuras, RAGAZ & waska01GėlėDovanaTūsas

June is ending but our parties will never end Tūsas

Amekuras Vyras turns 16 on Friday, June 27 TaurėGėlė
RAGAZ Vyras turns 25 on Monday, June 30 LūposTūsas
waska01 Moteris turns 15 on the same Monday, June 30 GėlėDovana

A happy birthday wish to you
Dear friends I send
I’m sorry I didn’t have
Any money on you to spend Nustebęs

But I think friend’s warm greetings and friendship is the biggest and most important gift for you on this special day DovanaMirktTūsas

happy birthday TūsasŽvaigždėMirktGėlė

Happy Birthday Amekuras Alus Dovana

to allDovanaGėlėApkabinimasTaurėCha cha

happy birthday AmekurasKavaDovana & RAGAZAlusDovana & waska01KavaDovana -)
i wish you all the best.//
.,.may the Force be with you -)

olo bando prisimint, ar mate nors viena is cia isvardintu parasyta zinute… vis dar bando… ir dar bando… nope. ne vienos.

na as asmeniskai pamenu tik ‘amekuras’ Dovana reiskesi cia anksciau from time to time …

Cha cha Kita vertus galima ir statistika pavartyti Mirkt :
Amekuras Parašė klube → 161 Tūsas
RAGAZ Parašė klube → 5 Nežinau
waska01 Parašė klube → 2 Nežinau

as tai siulyciau pratrinti tokius "narius" Nekaltas

na tam reikalui irgi yra sugalvotos tam tikros taisykles Mirkt some kind of ‘inactivity period’

is tikruju, kas jie tokie? pirmakart girdziu…

efc klubo nariu siuo metu yra 349 … taip, kad visu nesuziuresi Laimingas

We only celebrate birthdays of EFC members, and to be a member, you need to write in the club. So, birthday people, Amekuras, RAGAZ & waska01 - celebrate your birthdays & then write here in EFC!!! Taip Cha cha

Alus Dovana Šypsena

Today is RAGAZ and waska01 birthdays Gėlė Dovana

RAGAZ&waska01,your birthdays are today.
We will listen to what you say.
Tell us now what we should do.
We will do it just for you!
RAGAZ&waska01,your birthday is today!
Happy,happy,happy day!

Happy birthdaysLabasLaimingasGėlėGėlėGėlėŽvaigždėBučkisBučkisBučkisTaurėAlus

Thank you for all who congratulated me LabasTaurėAlusKava

yes yes. EFC does not forget u but u forget it


Jo…gerai as cia uzbaliavojauTūsas
Aciu visoms ir visiems uz sveikinimusTaip