Something about love

Something about Širdis love Apkabinimas

pirmiausia, ne ‘she’ o ‘it’

yes, that’s exactly what i’m saying. that such a feeling u, simple humans, call love, doesn’t exist.

You want to say that people can’t feel real love? That she doesn’t exist? Sudužusi širdis

well does it?
simple answer:
yes. it means exactly that.

Why everybody thinks that love must be in the sky? Why she can’t stay here? People can’t fly Ne, does it mean that we can’t love? Širdis

When you feel you can fly - it means, thats yours heart is in the skyNekaltasMirkt

I don’t realy know what is love.But i think that this feeling is the best feeling in the worldNekaltas

Love gave me big painful,…

Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration.


Love is strong power, which prievercia pasauli suktis Laimingas

Wo, DarPo1 Liežuvis pasirode Cha cha
Tuoj mes istaisysim ir vel busi saldus draugas Cha chaApkabinimas

wo, darpo3 pasirodeCha chaCha chaCha cha

o gal ji butent apieprakaituotus draugus ir kalbejo?Cha chaCha chaCha chacia tipo uzuomina, kad olo pats laikas i dusa?Cha cha


sweat = prakaitas
sweet = saldus

taip lengvai svaistaisi zodziu ‘draugas’? na naCha chaCha chaCha cha

You don’t like when somebody call you like that? It’s just a sweet word for friend Mirkt darling darling darling Cha cha

kokia tema, toks ir postasLiežuvisCha cha
beje, nuo kada as tau brangiuoju patapau?ApakęsCha chaCha chaCha cha

Love comes only sudenly when you don’t think about it and don’t expect it. Don’t wait for it. It comes without your dreams, expectatations or lookings. Only live and enjoy in every spring’s minute.


LOVE - where does it come from ???

LoveŠirdisis very beautifulGirtasand very complicated thing

We came here not to eat, darling Cha cha