Who Is Your Best Friend?

Who Is Your Best Friend?

…I think, my best friend is my mother…but I have a lot of friends [just friends]…and have you your best friend?..

Yes, best friend is Mummy, but there are others friends like classfriends, neighbours… So you have thois… Drovus

I haven’t got best friend Ne I tooth and now I know that you can’t be sure that your "best frined" won’t betray me Nustebęs

So, I have just many friends…Nekaltas But I hope so, that I’ll find my best friend in banga.lt Taip

I think what my best friend is daddy Šypsena

Parents are usually the best friends…Taip

…yes, parents always are good friends, but not for everybody…I think, you may have a lot of friends, but is isnt very bad not to have that one - best friend Šypsena

Yes, Mummy is my good friend, but I have many good friends… There isn’t one of them - the bestNe

My best friend is one guy. I can tell him anything I want and he always understands me. Sometimes I just look at him, and he knows what I am thinking about. He is a very important person in my life.

I am my best friend.

at the moment i really don’t know who is my best friend, because i have lots of good mates

I think I will have many best friends when I’ll stay in banga.lt longer Mirkt

My best friend is Vejo_RozeLiežuvis and AktorLiežuvis

Gerai Gerai Gerai

Maybe it’s pity, but friends mostly are moving away. Nežinau

My best fiend is mum and my pets Apkabinimas Karminta you are my best friend in banga.lt Laimingas Gėlė

why ? why they are doing so ?

at last who cares ! real friends never leave you alone !

my best friend is… is… oh Nekaltas I don’t have my best friend Nekaltas
but I have a lot of good friends.

I don’t have real best friend…
But my dog is my friend…Maybe the best… Taip

i’m sorry for u if your dog is your best friend.
i HAD a best friend. she new more about me that probably i myself. but i had a fight with her and we havent talked for 3 months… Liūdnas

But what can i do, that i HAD my bests friens, but they hurt me…Žliumbia I think dog is the best, because, she don’t tell my secrets, she always care me…So…she do other thing, that must do best friend Taip Gėlė