

have you tried debates? do you attend a debates club? or maybe you have never heard about this kind of activity?

i wrote this subject just because i have just got back from a torunamentMirkt

We had debates in school once, we talked about narcotic (drugs) Taip

last year i had debates as a non-compulsory subject at university. it was quite interesting and fun. still i wouldn’t like to participate much in such an activity as i find it quite difficult to speak in front of any audience DrovusNekaltas

Yes I had debates in school once, with my old english teatcher…Cha cha
But I don’t remember about what…Nekaltas

So who is old now: u ar your teacher?Cha cha


Narcotic = Drugs
Drugs = Narkotikai…Taip

well… debating helped me to overcome the fear of audience and I now I can freely express my minds no matter how many people are watching at me… (Apakęs)
so maybe you need just to get used to audience… Taip

I have debated. 8 years ago - gosh, I was a pioneer of debates in Lithuania Kietas. The reason why I quit debating - philologists have no idea what logic is, thus outcome of debate depended not on arguments and ability to present them and convince the audience, but on some mystique reasons that only judges = english teachers understand: "oh, she is such a strong debater", "oh, I liked there style", "oh, he was so good" Girtas
It’s good for your language, but kills your brain cells Taip

I find them very very boring…Nežinau

it depends on the topicMirkt

I debate everyday, everywhere with my parents, friend and ect. Cha cha I think that it’s a very good way to spend your time ;D

My dear debate team member ice-teLabas
I find dbating as a really interesting way of spending time because you get lots of information and of course communication skills. I can’t agree that debating is boring. Even on boring topics we always find something attractive. Debates should be as a compulsory subject at school, i believe.Gerai

you don’t think that you waste time when you debate everyday with parents?Cha cha